Public Security
The politics of Public Security that we desire depends on our participation For Silva* Joo Article originally published by the Objective Periodical in Focus, ed. 16 (January of 2010). It only arrives of speaking on violence, police corruption, lethality of the police actions, homicides, slowness of Justice, traffic of drugs and weapons, subjects that in them transmit unreliability. Let us search answers that point some North, one Politics of Public Security that goes stops beyond that in them it is ece of fish. It is in the hour to act! We have today one said ' ' guerra' ' that it is established basically between ' ' pobres' ' ' ' miserveis' '. Paid police poor persons who survive of a shameful wage for the State of Rio De Janeiro and that they need to appeal the peaks to complete its budgets.
According to Astroroof of Citizenship 2009, is about ' ' 550 a thousand professionals explorados' ' in such a way. The villains, to a large extent excluded social, fruit of one ' ' city dividida' ' , survivors of bolses of misery, if come inserted in this ' ' market of trabalho' ' as: vapors and other positions more than make with that its lives are not valid very and that its life expectancies is minimum. The two sides ' ' guerreiam' ' between itself and these ' ' confrontos' ' they hide the ones that truily earn with the commerce of narcotics, weapons and the scaling of the violence and displays the society to all from there decurrent luck of fears and subjections. Brazil launched in 2007 the National Program of Public Security with Citizenship? I BORN, with it, gave beginning to a new model of Public Security guard that intends a joint of all the government levels and promotes the participation of the Civil Society in this quarrel.