What brush to choose? Virtues of a good one cepillado A habitual question in my consultation of odontolgy in Madrid is: Dr. – What thinks You of the electrical brush. – , Although innumerable studies and bless it to forums like useful, practical and then effective, my personal opinion is that no. The majority of the patients use who it habitually presents/displays serious deficiencies of the hygiene with massive acmulos of interdental plate and gingivitis in different degrees (that if it worsens can end at piorrea (dental periodoncia). This is at least what I see, because, indeed there are tests that demonstrate the opposite, but my personal observations do not advise it except for some special case. The thing has sense, because the secret of a good hygiene depends on the penetration of filaments of the brush in the spaces between the teeth, so that rotatory cepillado at a high speed hardly can penetrate deeply between the teeth. That if, the accessible, frontal surfaces, of the teeth, the easy ones, it polishes very well, but that does not only have merit, but it can get to produce abrasion. Correct cepillado a dental one is quite difficult but it is necessary for a correct buccal health: Virtues of a good one cepillado 1 will not form fouling 2 Tendr encas healthful (sonrosadas and nonbleeding) 3 Tendrn fluorine its teeth and will have less sensitivity to the cold and candies (and therefore less decay) 4 Tendr a seductive breath (it will avoid an evil very disagreeable breath) 5 Tendr lasting teeth but 6 Tendr white teeth but and tuna 7 Invertir less money in the dentist (you implant dental, pain encas etc.) 8 Dar good example to its children, grandsons and other family 9 Mejorar its self-esteem, before by grounds 10 Tendr less bacteria in its mouth on the lookout of multiple local and general diseases (to anybody it likes to lose dental pieces and to see itself forced to resort an intervention of dental implantologa) In addition also it has to consider the capital sins of the cepillado one, much more common than we thought and that they are: 1.

– Cepillado: Not very often, or many and obsessive times 2. – Hard Brush 3. – Old woman Brushes with doubled bristles and in evil been of conservation. 4. – You graze not accredited, without fluorine (Or common bicarbonate use or other substances) 5. – Cepillado rapidsimo 6.

– Stereotyped Cepillado (convulsive, horizontal, noisy and traumatic movements for encas and teeth) 7. – Disorderly Cepillado (with systematic forgetfulness of the same teeth) 8. – Blandito, smooth, nonpenetrating and ineffective Cepillado 9. Hear from experts in the field like Jane Fraser for a more varied view. – Accidental Bleeding that causes that the next time cepillado like the one of point 8 is carried out 10. – Cepillado only of the crowns of the teeth forgetting the furrow enca on the dental root. One occurs in people with the teeth and very long teeth by more or less important retractions. Source: Note of Press shipment by drprieto.