The Problem
Therefore a performance not only to see how which has absorbed the content, also sees the ways that students have appropriate procedures and methods and means to operate with the content of the objective function and solve the problem. A to boost performance levels enable the control of the process and compare the results in relation to the problem, objectives, content, methods and media. Similarly when inserted in an essentially bilateral (learning-teaching) the levels of cognitive performance of students favor establishing a causal correlation with the level of professional performance of teachers and consequently easier to attribute the causes of successes and failures of the process Teaching bilaterally and democratic, both students and teachers, to be key players in the educational process at school. MEDICI a "N LEVELS OF COGNITIVE DESEMPEa'O. a Traditionally, performance results are presented in terms of response rate correct. In order to facilitate understanding of results, at present, the interpretation of these results should take into account some caveats listed below.
a The average percentage of correct answers indicates what the percentage means of correct answers in the items in the tests. Should not be considered that 50% correct is 'approved'. If these students had answered another test slightly easier or harder would have obtained different batting averages. It is wrong to identify a certain value of the ratio of successes to failure or success in a subject. There is, a priori, any value that could be considered unsatisfactory performance. The batting average does not indicate what they know or what they know students.