The Objective
The QM consultants ensures that acceptance in the project team, by he clarifies in individual discussions with the team, which have involved managers and staff to the project task. Finally, he informed about the objective of the project and the process, all project-internal and external requirements and processes, about the importance of the project for the company as a whole, the individual departments and the people. Through a transparent information policy, he advertises the project task and demonstrates their need. So it is for all to understand the role of the individual within the project: affected are involved, the scope for action in tackling the tasks like to perceive. The process control through targets is important.
This applies not only to embed the project objective in the overall development of the company, but at the same time: the explanation of the relationship between project goals and the resulting quality objectives, discussion of the success criteria for the project work: when is a target reached, when not? “, and the distribution of powers and responsibilities, as well as the elaboration of measures and activities which lead to the achievement of the target.” The importance of the introduction of advisers on time gives the go-ahead to the project work in a staff meeting, which is set up as a kick-off event. No matter whether project risks, issues, requirements of the consultant and project manager, fears, reservations and hopes of the Parties compared with the new task or project framework: the project kick-off is the forum where these aspects are discussed. The objectives and tasks of the project work in motivating words and images, so that the managers and employees the project not as a burden feel packed the QM consultant”, but as an enriching and exciting army off demand, in which they can engage with heart and mind. These are the ideal Prerequisites for the success of the project task QM”. Conclusion should pull the introduction of the quality system as project work corporate management, where a quality consultant on time taking over the management of the project. This creates a project plan, in which the resources and the time frame, but also the financial aspect are taken into account, and is described in the who when what has to do. It belongs to the tasks of Adviser for acceptance to ensure clarity of purpose and enthusiasm in the project team. The author Karin letter is freelance consultant for quality management and certified quality management representative (education TuV Sud). The quality Manager completed their work at the point of sales”: after it has created detailed business analyses, she trains executives and employees on site in the workplace on the basis of the analysis results and accompanied the team for the immediate implementation of the quality management system. Contact: appeared in the knowledge management March 2011