The Trial final seconds Miguel angel in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican
The mystical (from the Greek verb myein, “locked up”, where Mystik, “closed, arcane or mysterious”) would designate a type of experience very hard to achieve that reaches the maximum degree of union of the human soul as during the Sacred earthly existence. One occurs in the monotheistic religions (Kabbalah centered on , Islam, Judaism), as well as in some policies (Hinduism), something similar is also shown in religions that are rather philosophies as Buddhism, which is identified with a maximum degree of perfection and knowledge.
According to the theology, the mystical is the difference that this ascetic exercises the human spirit to perfection, so as to propaedeutic for the mystical, through two ways or methods, the purgative Kabbalistic and into the night, while the mystical, the which can only access a few, adds a soul perfected by grace or by the exercise ascetic experience of the direct and momentary union with God, which only achieved by the unitive way, through a kind of experience known as ecstasy or mystic visions , A pleasure and knowledge ineffable and indescribable.
Mysticism is usually associated with holiness, and in the case of Christianity is accompanied by physical manifestations called supernatural miracles, such as stigma and discussed parapsychological phenomena of bilocacion and Extrasensory perception, among others. By extension, Kabbalah appointed furthermore the mystical body of literary works written about this kind of spiritual experience in any of the religions that have writing.
Mysticism, common to the three great monotheistic religions, but not restricted to them (there was also a mystical pagan, for example), seeks to bridge this chasm that separates the human from the divine to reunify and end the alienation that produces a reality considered unjust, to bring in Kabbalah terms the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth. The mechanisms are varied: either by a meditative and active fight against the Ego (Buddhism) or nafs as in the case of Sufism Muslim, either through prayer and Christian asceticism in the case, either through the use of Kabbalah in more widespread flows of Judaism.
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Halle Berry BUYS HOME IN CANADA: Actress family to move north of the border in boyfriend of residence. * Hello magazine is reporting that Halle Berry has just ended an amount of $ 1.6 million lake-side property in Quebec, Canada near the birthplace of her boyfriend, model Gabriel Aubry.
The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles
After surviving the German occupation of Italy during the Second World War by hiding with his parents and brother and sister in the house of non-Jews, Vittorio Volterra immigrant to Israel in 1952, at the age of 20 and never looked back. He met his wife in Israel, and his daughter, Hava, was born there.
Skokie Review
Based on the available space, The Review prints announcements and calendar items for the columns, including the campus news, news and others for local organizations and individuals. Kabbalah The deadline is 10 days before the desired publication date, but there is no guarantee for publication. Send releases and items of local interest to: Skokie Review of Lincolnwood Review, 130 S. Prospect Ave. …
Halle Berry BUYS HOUSE IN CANADA: Actress family to move north of the border in boyfriend of residence. * Hello magazine is reporting that Halle Berry has just ended an amount of $ 1.6 million lake-side property in Quebec, Canada near the birthplace of her boyfriend, model Gabriel Aubry.