Marketing Fact
UPP Unit of Police Advertising the UPP (Unit of Polices Peacemaker) today nothing more is that object of pure Marketing for the Government of the state in view of that the city will be soon palco of a Pantry and a Olimpada the government this using the strategy to dissimulate that the Traffic of drugs is eliminated when in the truth what this making is an agreement without words with the Traffic that functions more or less thus, this mount that vocs are this in the route of tourism of the city, such is simple day I goes to go up and to pacify there vocs they migram for lowered or they are Gonalo that it is not tourist route and it can make what to want for There. Test of this is the fact to have pacified the Mount of the Monkeys headquarters of the Third Command and nobody was imprisoned nothing did not have reaction. Exactly local that more or less the one year a helicopter of polices it was knocked down and that he was palco of innumerable shoot outs with the Bope. Some can ask to which the Problem there since the dealers are running away? Simple, first they are not running away are migrando, in truth still more goes for places of lesser visibility for media or tourism and if fortifying, therefore together with the outlaws who leave such localities now pacified, it was also a war armory. repairs as it increased the other types of crime as kidnapping lightning, robbery of cars and saidinha of bank. (Source: Pinterest). In the cities of Niteri They are Gonalo, Caxias, New Iguau and others of the Lowered one Are fact that in these places the Outlaws are total Wronged, therefore a sales of Drugs do not have Flow of the zone the same North and South of the City.