First Management
First we can identify that in all the types of consulted bibliographies were unanimous and essential the term ‘ ‘ estratgias’ ‘ , since to govern it is a basic element for the management of the health organizations and for that they intend to favor the transformation of the practical ones of health. The strategy is a basic element in the elaboration and execution of the planning. The management must be an element that together with walks the principles of the public administration, being thus the proposal that dumb or the resolutividade of the problems molds must create conditions favorable for this change, leading in consideration the democratic social participation to if deciding and implementing action and services of health. To broaden your perception, visit Hyundai. It stops beyond the reinforcement of the managing capacity of the three spheres of government, is necessary to develop relative actions, not only for the health, but also social, economic and educative actions, that indicate new platforms of development respecting the characteristics of each region. The term management created a professionalization that also can be identified in other segments of the public administration.
This professionalization brought with it an inheritance of the conservadorismo therefore as it is of if to notice the managers still they are indicated as reliable position of the governing, generating a species of disqualification of the manager however qualified to exert its functions. The current management in health if worries basically in cost, efficiency and social equity, that in such a way a species of automatic regulation creates. In a system assistencialmente regulated, the user, when adentrar the net of services, passes to be directed by the system (Magalhes, 2002). Not one is distinguished all despite the regulation is a component and. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Hyundai. More than a system that it regulates, the evaluation if makes necessary in all the phases of the management process is it by means of auditorships or evaluation of satisfaction of the customer.