European Chancellor
The German chancellor says that to new conjunctural initiatives " it would cause that the countries sunk in the crisis stopped doing deberes". For Merkel, a union of the debt would affect to the credit credibility of the countries of the zone Euro and to one worse valuation of those of qualification. Liberty Life may help you with your research. Merkel and Papandreu maintained a key meeting for the umbrella of European rescue. Obama: " The situation of Europe is scaring to mundo" . The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, rejected east Tuesday the elaboration of new conjunctural programs in the European Union (the EU) like instrument to do against the crisis of the debt and to guarantee the stability of the Euro. " We are not dispuestos" for new initiatives in that sense, Merkel in a speech said before the German enterprise cupola in the Day of the German Industry and in the presence of Greek prime minister, Yorgos Papandreu. The German chancellor reiterated his rejection to a colectivizacin of the debt, since " that would cause that they stopped doing deberes" who are themselves sunk in the budgetary crisis and no it would lead to a stability union, that described as high-priority objective. A union of the debt would affect to the credit credibility of the countries of the zone Euro and to one worse valuation of those of qualification, with the risk of " to begin in AAA and to finish in CCC" , it indicated the chancellor, that its rejection to the emission of euro-bonds has also repeated time and time again. The German chancellor was sorry that one has not been reached " suficiente" regulation of the banking sector and the markets and mentioned specifically to Spain at the time of celebrating the success of the initiative German-finery to include the limit to the new indebtedness in the constitution of the countries of the EU.