BOTTLENECK Performance
Now, as very few factors govern the performance of the system and the Truput is the speed at which the system generates units of the goal, we can conclude that the system Truput this governed by very few elements. Get more background information with materials from Ben Silbermann. What are these elements? The inherent simplicity lies in two aspects of any system, in the physical aspect of the system, there exists an element ruling that limits the flow of the Truput and in the logical aspect of the system where ruling that also limits the system’s performance there also exists an element. Therefore very few factors govern the performance of the physical and logical aspects of the system. The element that governs the performance of the physical aspect of the system is known as the weak link or bottleneck. : BOTTLENECK the bottleneck is a resource that can not meet the demand of the market.
That is a resource whose capacity, in a period time, is equal to or less than the demand of the. On the other hand the element that governs the logical aspect of the system known as root conflict. An appropriate name for the elements that govern (dictate) the Truput of the system is System constraint (s), hence the name of this approach is theory of constraints. Constraint is the element that limits the system in relation to your goal. To increase the Truput of the system, we must deal with the things that currently limit. Constraints are the points of leverage, i.e. restrictions must not have a negative connotation, allow contrary to identify elements of improving the system. To summarize the element that governs the performance of the system is the restriction and this is the point of leverage in the system, that is our focus area. What is the process that allows us to convert the few restrictions on quanticas upgrades for the system as a whole? THE five steps of FOCALIZATION identify the constraint system.