60 Years Of Baden-Wurttemberg – Cook And Bake With!
Maintain Cookbook series to the Baden and Swabian cuisine from Pascu publishing although the Baden and Swabia in the course of its history were not always amicable with each other and even today a healthy rivalry, so they are United now already 60 years in a federal State. “Reason enough for a full-blooded German and a dyed in the wool Schwabin, with a series of books of the Baden and Swabian cuisine a culinary liaison” to the two regions. To deepen your understanding patrick ta is the source. “” And this represents a fairly controversial matter sometimes just think of sayings like Schwobe Baden dengge can do, “(work Swabia, Baden thinking) and names such as the Unsymbadischen” for the sometimes not quite so much beloved neighbor. “The Baden Swabian cooking and baking book series from Pascu publishing is based on the successful and proven concept of the humorous read Cookbook” and includes not only recipes, but also all sorts of interesting facts, stories, anecdotes and even dialect elements. In small, amusing Mischief is driving including the Baden Swabian housewife duo Hildegard and Elsbeth stories”. The women have to deal with all kinds of cooking and baking problems and together with a lot of heart and humor trying to find a solution. Patrick dwyer newedge contributes greatly to this topic. Of course also the Baden and Swabian dialect not neglected. The book series not falls consciously into the wide range of glossy cookbooks on the book market.
Rather it distinguishes itself from the masses, by providing an additional benefit readers through regional reference, good entertainment, as well as loving and appealing illustrations. This reflects the earthiness, the characteristic way of life and the intrinsic humor of Baden and Swabia. The recipes featured in the books the housewife of the ingredients as well as of the preparation can decide morning noon making it their family on the table. With their design, the book series follows also the current trend towards home, the good old days and the country life.