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Entries Tagged ‘health and beauty’


In general way, these are the steps to be followed, remembering that a person when well it is maquiada calls the attention all to its redor. 4.A IMPORTANCE OF the USE OF the MAQUIAGEM All knows that the women are very vain people, has decades they always likes to be produced well, with clothes of […]

Nursing Management

Therefore, the initial formation of the nurse reveals as an important way to surpass the division between practical theory and (8). In such a way, the managemental profile can be defined as the set of attitudes, aptitudes and abilities by means of which the nurse develops the management of the services of Nursing or services […]

First Management

First we can identify that in all the types of consulted bibliographies were unanimous and essential the term ‘ ‘ estratgias’ ‘ , since to govern it is a basic element for the management of the health organizations and for that they intend to favor the transformation of the practical ones of health. The strategy […]


For occasion of the loss of the proper life and/or the loss of next people, it can be affirmed that psychological answers occur similar. In this Massie context; Rolland (1989, p.274) presents the following sequence, as psychological answers to the loss: 1.Ruptura? that it presents symptoms of incredulity, negation, shock/entorpecimento and desperation; 2. See more […]