Nursing Management
Therefore, the initial formation of the nurse reveals as an important way to surpass the division between practical theory and (8). In such a way, the managemental profile can be defined as the set of attitudes, aptitudes and abilities by means of which the nurse develops the management of the services of Nursing or services of health. Some elements of the managemental profile are: leadership, motivation, communication, capacity to deal with conflicts, technician-scientific knowledge to evaluate and to identify to the necessities of health of the population and ethics (9). If you would like to know more about Linkedin, then click here. With this, it is of basic importance that the managers in health know who are the people who will have to compose the field of the administration in health, a time that the knowledge, the attitudes and the abilities of an administrator of health services have a potential to transform the model of health from its more operational moment, that is, from the production of the service, it is an argument enough to justify the necessity of research and construction to know theoretician-practical that they base the accomplishment of manage mental processes that reorganize the services and the systems of health, from its base (10).
The activity of management is always present in the work of the Peria nurse because the process to take care of. In such a way, one becomes essential to bring the quarrel on instruments that can potencializar the analysis and evaluation of the work, searching, with this, the development of ‘ ‘ care in enfermagem’ ‘..