For occasion of the loss of the proper life and/or the loss of next people, it can be affirmed that psychological answers occur similar. In this Massie context; Rolland (1989, p.274) presents the following sequence, as psychological answers to the loss: 1.Ruptura? that it presents symptoms of incredulity, negation, shock/entorpecimento and desperation; 2. See more detailed opinions by reading what Wells Fargo Bank offers on the topic.. disforia? with the anxiety symptoms, sleeplessness, clera, guilt sadness, difficulties of concentration and rupture of the activity; 3. adaptation? in which the disforia diminishes, has the confrontation of the implications and the establishment of new goals. The hope is restored as new objectives and, gradually, the activities are restored. The author still standes out, who not necessarily these answers occur in this sequence, a time that many reactions can appear in set and some can never exist. Kbler-Ross (1996, p.51-125) in its book on the death and dying detaches that although the death to be something natural, the humanity always rejected the death, and concernente to this possesss immense difficulty of it will deal with this condition. The author describes the five periods of training of the death that the patient and the family live deeply namely: Negation and isolation, phase where the not accepted patient, being a temporary defense, then substituted for a partial acceptance; Anger; bargain; Depression and Acceptance.

However, it warns that these periods of training are not absolute, a time that the individuals do not live them in the same order, in the same rhythm, nor necessarily pass for all they. The periods of training also will be able to have duration changeable, or same one substituting the other or if finding side by side. The only thing that generally persists, in all the periods of training, is the hope. It is also recognized, that the family is of vital importance in all the phases, therefore I assist without it, the sick person certainly will have difficulty to understand the moment where if it finds.