WAhRe Monument Depreciation
Still in 1989, large parts of Leipzig were considered lost. Today, over 15000 Grunderzeit houses shine back to their former glory. Monument depreciation also helped to preserve the cultural heritage. Leipzig is beautiful from day to day. Still falling many scaffolding and share the views of lovingly reconstructed Grunderzeit houses. Today, many architectural monument is even more beautiful than the time of its creation. A look back shows that this is not of course,: because after the reunification, large parts of Leipzig considered lost. Many experts saw the preservation and renovation of the entire founding period belt as economically impossible task and put on new construction.
Many preservationists feared the large-scale demolition of the historic building substance. The city threatened to despair their architectural heritage. Reasons for the inner-city building anger and associated decommissioning of many historical buildings were in the former legislation as well as in the history of West German urban development To find. Leipzig – Germany’s capital city of Historicism – faced a similar fate, as numerous cities of the old Federal States after the second world war. There, war destruction and the following construction boom had destroyed large parts of the historic building substance until the 1970s. Only a change of thinking began in the 1980s.
The company increasingly criticized the belief in progress and growth or questioned them even. The popular pressure led politicians and urban planners to rethink their development plans. It was free for a targeted renovation of historic – cultural landscape. Conservation and preservation were henceforth no longer an obstacle, but as important building block for the development of attractive cities. Later Leipzig benefited enormously from this change. Official site: Marko Dimitrijevic author. Until today, more than 15,000 of the city’s houses were saved a huge economic power, which could be overcome only through the use of private capital. Many investors have been so active Preservationists – even if their role is seen as sober financial calculus like. Investors waving extensive tax breaks to preserve cultural heritage, granted the State even generous tax incentives for the rehabilitation of architectural heritage investors. As compared to new buildings this burden on the owner, because he must comply with extensive requirements, for example, during the reconstruction of large ceiling and wall paintings or the refurbishment of historic doors and Windows. Which in turn is associated with significant additional costs. So, for example, a roofing tripled with slate, as an alternative to simple bricks, the cost almost. This enormous financial burdens should be offset by tax incentives in the form of depreciation of monument to. After the reunification, there was a significant need for rehabilitation in the new Lander. Many buildings were inhabitable or affected by the economic downturn only in part. In contrast, therefore all construction projects, are to the old Federal territory in Saxony economically usable making a vintage recognized as an expense for the preservation of the monument. Many are even new buildings, in which only the outer shell is retained. From a tax perspective, Saxon real estate with a high renovation costs are particularly attractive and relatively more lucrative than in the old Federal States.