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Entries Tagged ‘science’

DLR Adaptronics

I see great potential even in medical technology and consumer electronics. Because the Adaptronic systems can convert the mechanical energy of the vibration into electrical energy and are even able to collect energy in case of need for the operation of an Adaptronic system to replace them at least dimensions.” How the research and development […]

Schizophrenia – Paranoid

Mental disorders of thinking schizophrenia schizophrenia is a diagnosis for mental disorders of thinking and perception (affectivity). Various symptomatic manifestations are distinguished. It is one of the most common diagnoses in inpatient psychiatry. Regensburg – the term schizophrenia on the 24.04.1908 “by the Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler introduced (forecast of Dementiapraecox). Schizophrenia has nothing to […]