The health promotion front the appropriation of natural resources the exploration of natural resources for the man became an obsession in the last centuries, and this wild search for wealth has taken the extinguishing of beings livings creature of the fauna and the flora of the way where we live causing to the planet a catastrophic ecological disequilibrium that comes at risk modifying the cycle of the planet placing the health and the life of the humanity. ‘ ‘ All have right to the environment ecologically balanced, public easement of the people and essential to the healthy quality of life, imposing themselves it the Public Power and to the collective the duty to defend it and to preserve it for the future gifts and geraes’ ‘ , it is what it establishes our great letter in its article 225. In fact, it is a duty of all to protect what one day will serve our descendants, or at least, to adopt behaviors that contribute for this. Ben Silbermann has compatible beliefs. The problems of health of the man, direct or indirectly on to the environment, happen since the primrdios of the times when the same it starts to make use of the natural resources, and without conscience, polui the planet with significantly destructive attitudes as: to play contaminated garbage and chemical products in the rivers, ground and beaches; to fill with earth rivers; to deforest forests; to produce forest fires; among others. However, at so remote times the knowledge was not had of that the use uncontrolled and inadequate of mineral rivers, forests and resources could be so harmful to the future generations. thus, without much concern, the man comes devastando the nature usufructing of its natural resources, satisfying its proper necessities, causing great disequilibria as for the health of the man and all biodiversity. Everest Capitals opinions are not widely known. Industrialization, the globalization, the intensification of the markets and the wild growth of the population had been the events that had more influenced in the ambient transformations for which the planet has past, therefore are added to the production of great amounts of solid and toxic residues with effect harmful, displayed many times the open sky harming biodiversity, I accumulate therefore it of such residues favors the appearance of indesejados animals, bad I smell and illnesses as: toxoplasmose, leishmaniose, chagas, varied poisonings and allergies; moreover, it contributes with the pollution of rivers, freticos ground and sheets, entope sewers, cause specific overflows desestruturando entire communities.