In the period 1992-2000 to 58 for external funding (mainly IDB, World Bank, JICA of Japan and KfW of Germany), Asset Management 17 to municipal governments, 8 of private investment and 17 departments .
In 2004 the Government of President Carlos Mesa outlined a new policy of the Financial Sector: The EPSAs receive credit for investments and transfers when they participate in a plan to modernize Institucional (PMI) and establish an Integrated Development Plan (IDP). Resources are allocated to each EPSA with priority to those with higher poverty rates and less coverage, according to a mathematical formula called Assigned Pectoral Financial (AFS). Subsidies are also higher and the conditions of the loans less expensive EPSA for those with less coverage and higher poverty.
The National Fund for Regional Development (FNDR) is the government’s financial agent for the channeling of loans intended for investment in basic sanitation, especially in localities with over 10,000 inhabitants.
The National Fund for Productive and Social Investment (FPS) (Ex-Social Investment Fund) also channel resources for investment in basic sanitation, mainly in rural areas in areas with less than 5,000 inhabitants. According to the website of the FPS, the 27.55 of its projects under implementation (without specifying a date or amount) were conducted in the area of basic sanitation.
The FUNDASAB (Foundation for Support to the sustainability of basic sanitation), established in 2005 under the aegis of the Ministry of Sanitation, channeling technical assistance to providers to promote their sustainability.
According to an IDB 1999, the national policy for funding of basic sanitation in funds this period was that the town contributes 10 investments and 20 community. In this latest contribution, 5 is invested in cash and 15 through local materials and labor.

Stamford Advocate
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to-date performance is 1.46 per cent Asset Management
February 9 (Bloomberg) – William Ackman told investors in a hedge fund that invests only in Target Corp. hes deeply disappointed in his performance, and that those who wish to leave may do so in full next Monday
Schroders is in dispute with his own hedge fund on the fees they are charged by the fund for keeping millions of pounds in cash.