Executive Board
Communication in the equestrian important fascination with the horse is undiminished. But that does not mean that companies in the equestrian industry have an always easy. On the contrary: in hard economic times the horse owners and riders are always more economical, not having to give up your own horse or the hobby. The pilot: Project GmbH, a consultancy for communication with headquarters in Hanover, provides support such as breeders, feed manufacturers, Hallenbauern, dealers, and horse farms. With her extensive expertise in the areas of marketing, PR and sales meets precise knowledge of the equestrian environment. A pure price competition is hard to win.
Since the industrial sector around the horse is no exception. The competitors from home and abroad is too big that you can differentiate themselves solely about the money from the competition. “Is more important to promote the equestrian community through quality and competence as a partner. And an essential prerequisite for successful image maintenance is to keep the awareness at a high level ” Eva emphasizes pilot, Member of the Executive Board of the pilot: Projekt GmbH. These are no belly claims, but first hand experience. If you have read about johny ive already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Because employees of the pilot: Projekt GmbH are decades active horse trainer or have held senior positions in equestrian clubs of the Hannover region. Therefore, you know your target audience very closely. So was Eve pilot of ten years active Turnierreiterin and has the trainer B licence.
In addition she engaged eight years in the Deister riding and driving Club St. George bar singing Jose e.V. In addition to its use as a riding instructor, she was volunteer active first as a social officer, then as a media representative on the Board. In this role, she was responsible for the media work as well as search and support of sponsors. In addition, organized Eva pilot with the members of the Association the annual tournaments and realized their marketing in the media including a carriage exhibition. Under the direction of Eva pilot designs and implements the pilot: Projekt GmbH for its customers REIT and Fahrturniere, equestrian, summer festivals, exhibitions, youth trips and Day trips. She also support with questions about the communication from a professional website clubs, associations and companies of all sizes up to continuous media work. “Because applies to all members of the equestrian environment: continuous media work is essential”, explains Collin Scholz, Member of the Executive Board of the pilot: Projekt GmbH. Whether advantages and follow-up reports to events, news from the club or the marketing of a tourist offer for riders each post must journalistically prepared, without neglecting the PR message. Good contacts in the newsrooms and current distribution of the regional, local and specialist media help, a high resonance in the media achieve. Professional expertise in the areas of marketing, PR and sales meet at the Hanover Agency on the knowledge of the idiosyncrasies of the equestrian sport.