But, these are bad advice. These phrases reflect a bad understanding than they are the emotions. That is to say, that the emotions are a surplus of million years of evolution, and that a more perfect person would have to be necessarily more less emotional rational and. Therefore, many think that the emotions are as useful as the appendix, and insofar as they can be eliminated of ours behavior, better will be our performance. But this conception is scientifically false. In fact, according to studies realised in the University of Iowa by the neurocientfico Antonio Damasio, the emotions are integral part of the process of human thought, and not a parallel phenomenon. Bill Phelan has compatible beliefs. Although the human brain has become more complex during the million years of evolution, the connections that take care of the emotions have not disappeared.
The emotions cannot be removed surgically of intelligence. The emotions if they matter all along. To ignore its roll, to ignore the wisdom of the own and other people’s emotions, is to invite to the failure like person, manager and leader. The moment has arrived from which the managers say things as arrived the hour from which all we are touched or we must tackle this problem from an emotional and nonrational point of view. The key to be an emotionally intelligent manager is to integrate emotional and rational answers.
To make too much emphasis in an u others could entail to a decision making inadequate. Present Tngase, that a good management can be supported in all the contributions that bequeath the emotional Intelligence that allow to use of intelligent way the emotions to improve our quality of life as far as relations, initiatives to us, work, etc. To train in the development of the emotional aptitudes it allows to develop the capacity to handle to the suitable emotions each action and to regulate his manifestation, maintaining the emotional balance; transmitting moods to generate positive attitudes and answers; learning to evaluate " cost emocional" of situations and action; developing social skills, forging and handling relations with clients, suppliers, colleagues, etc.; realising an application plan in the land of our sphere of enterprise and labor influence, extending it to the familiar and social life.