Education Pupils
Art. 53 says that: The child and the adolescent have right to the education, aiming at to the full development of its person, preparation for the exercise of the citizenship and qualification for the work. However, this did not occur with Eduardo, in contrast, it was ‘ ‘ afastado’ ‘ of the pertaining to school activities for inadequate behaviors, and what he is more ironic it is that it was moved away by the responsible agency for fiscalizing if they are being fulfilled the rights foreseen for the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent. Ahead of this it is the question: how it is the Right to the Education, the Culture, the Sport and the Leisure praised for the Statute? In accordance with the director of the school, the pupil one met sufficiently aggressive, beating in the employee of the school, destratando the professors, pupils, maid, pichando the school with wax pencil and threatening to catch a knife to wound the employees. Causing fear to all.
According to story of the same one, this never moved away Eduardo from the school, however it believes that in the condition that the child if finds, aggressive, it is not possible to keep it inserted in the pertaining to school environment. ‘ ‘ It obtains to desestruturar all the routine of the school, beats in the colleagues, esmurra the doors and walls, kick the doors, attack the teachers, threat verbally pupils ‘ ‘ (sic) it is known, that currently the professors come suffering all type of violence in the school, however, also is perceived an unpreparedness of some professionals of the education in dealing with this problematic one, as well as, the absence of public politics that they make possible to these more to exert its profession of prepared form. This causes the educational desestruturao reverberating in the professionals and pupils..