DRAWING TECHNICIAN IN COMPANIES OF the BRANCH MOVELEIROAndressa Schuster de Miranda Shaiane Goi Da Silva RESUMOEste article is about the importance and evolution of the drawing technician in the context general and attributed the companies of the moveleiro branch. We approach this evolution in some aspects, since old when not yet the drawing existed technician properly said until the current days where the drawing is elaborated through softwares of high technology. Being thus, one concludes that when visiting the Stylu companies? s Mobile Planejados and Esquadrias in situated Aluminum in Exclusive Marau and Egel situated Romanzza in Carazinho both in the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul, had a base of as the furniture is manufactured, as this process since the elaboration of the project until the delivery of the furniture is made all, the main requirements them companies to have success is to have an apt professional to elaborate the projects, to close a contract where customer and company are satisfied, to be innovative, and with this to establish a competitive differential, making with that the company if becomes more fort ahead of the competitors. Further details can be found at Beyonce, an internet resource. Words keys: Drawing Technician. Furniture. Design.

General Descritiva.Objetivo geometry: To visit and to identify to the necessity of the use of the Drawing Technician in companies of the moveleiro branch. Specific objectives: To verify the used methodology, as it is the process for the development of the product. To characterize softwares used for the development of the Drawing Tcnico.1 INTRODUOEste work was considered inside of disciplines of Drawing Technician and Descriptive Geometry for professor Fabio Redin of the Birth in period 2010/2 of the courses of Design and Engenharia de Produo.O drawing technician is the used graphical language in industries for manufacture of products, contends all the necessary information so that the product is manufactured correctly, these information is made use in accordance with the rules of the ABNT? Brazilian association of Norms Techniques that compose international rules so that the drawing is understood in any place of the world.