Chinese Government
In the recent dispute between Google and the foreign government on the one hand and the Chinese Government on the other a conception of the world underlies, the society and the individual diametrically opposed. Source: patrick dwyer newedge. ” Puritano” one is used at the moment, to talk about to that it shows guidance radically, seemingly, by the Christian rules and the Bible justifying in this way still reprovable actions to impose his interests; concealed thus by the beliefs that say to maintain. This interpretation of the puritanismo is born in the United States of America, whose social experiment development under the form of a calvinista theocracy. Contemporary examples of this conception are the political persecution of the Macartismo, as well as the actions of the family Bush and associates, promoting first (against Soviet expansionism) and satanizando later the principles of the terrorist organization To the Qaeda. In the Zhou time the great texts of the Chinese thought were written. These texts pick up the ideas of social and ethical, although nontheological type, that have influenced in the development of the Chinese society until the present time. Go to patrick dwyer merill lynch for more information. The confucianismo has been, in this sense, the hegemonic ethical doctrine in the Chinese society.
The doctrine of Confucius, compiles and structures the tradition of the Chinese thought in a series of mandates on the duties of all man of government: 1. To love the town, to renew it morally and to try necessary means to him for the daily life. 2. For this reason, it must use in first term with sovereign respect to which it is the Dominant Head. 3. To cultivate the personal virtue and tender incessantly perfectly.
4. In the life deprived like in the public one, to observe always the footpath Half superior of Right . 5. To consider the two own classes of inclination of the man: they come from the meat and they are dangerous; the other belong to the reason and are very subtle and easy to lose. To practice the duties of the five social relations Between governor and minister. Between father and son. Between husband and woman. Between brother greater and brother minor. Between friendly. 7. To have by final mission La Paz and the universal harmony.