Conclusion For Dejours is of great value that the workers, all display physical and mental the suffering afflicts that them, are it of any area, afflicts that them. With the organized work it is possible to prevent this conflict all. They are in the distribution of the work, dividing the tasks between the prescribed operators, rhythms taxes and operatrios methods, but also, and, over all, the division of the men to guarantee this division of tasks, represented for the hierarchies, the distributions of responsibility and the systems of control. For Dejours the hierarchy and the rigidity of the institution and its regulations also forge a defensive professional ideology of estereotipada nature and calling the attention for the fact of that the work contributes for the formation of the personality, through the construction of the auto-image, showing that it is not source only of patrimonial satisfaction, but can be source of symbolic and emotional satisfaction of the worker. At a moment where if mainly disarranges it argues it of social rights and of the right of the work, that until today has the mark of the patrimonialista protection of the employee in the different relation that this keeps with the employer, speech of the magnifying of the guardianship of the right of the work so that it can accumulate of stocks the aspect emotional and mental of the worker, and still it points the causes of the insatisfao and psychic desestruturao of the worker. It has the insatisfao in relation to the significant content of the task, the requirements, or ‘ ‘ load of trabalho’ ‘. The organization of the work, conceived for a specialized job of the company, stranger to the workers, is shocked frontalmente with the mental life, and more necessarily, with the sphere of the aspirations, the motivations and the desires. He considers as rule, the more to the organization of the work is rigid, more the division of the work is accented, lesser it is the significant content of the work and minors are the possibilities to change it.
Correlative, the suffering increases. The insatisfao proceeding from an overloaded work where for many times the employer sees the employee as man-machine adaptation inadaptado to the structure of the personality also is suffering source. The effect of this load and the suffering are in mental register if they cause clutters in the body, are not equivalents to the illnesses directly inflicted to the organism for the work conditions. The conflict is not another seno what the man to the organization of the work opposes.