The Daktronics Inc
The Rutgers University with total 4 Kampussen is the gr osste educational institution of the State and also the 8-oldest college in the country. This year, more than 52,470 students from 50 States and 100 are Countries enrolled. They are managed by almost 10,500 faculty and University staff. The Daktronics Inc., headquartered in Brookings, South Dakota (United States) has world’s experienced and competent sales and service teams that offer customers comprehensive and professional services for the complete Daktronics game stand ads program as well as for the computer controlled display systems and full-color LED large-screen video walls. The European sales network includes offices in England, France and Germany. The Daktronics GmbH, headquartered in Wiesbaden, Germany was founded in 2003 as a German subsidiary.
Here, Daktronics offers a sales and service organization, to better serve the growing European market. To ensure of our known good customer service we work closely in other European countries with authorized Daktronics resellers and service outlets. The Daktronics portfolio includes sports display systems, advertising displays, video displays and electronic traffic management systems with LED technology as well as extensive control systems allow to realize visions. We have gained our reputation through more than 40 years of experience in the field of sport, the entertainment and the advertising industry. It is based both on the high quality of our products as well as the competence of our employees, who are all over the world. Since its introduction in 1997, our LED video displays are the solution in the large screen area for events of all sizes in both the sports and the entertainment industry. In terms of display system, Daktronics has developed systems and control solutions with worldwide installations including at the Berlin Olympic Stadium – and established customer services that are unparalleled. Daktronics worldwide leading supplier of large-screen LED video displays, electronic display panels, computer programmable display, digital billboards and control systems is today.
Daktronics super – system allows the combination of LED video displays with scoreboards, LED bands (fascia displays) and other displays to an integrated entertainment and Communication system. The delivery and installation of products from a single source allows a harmonious system with the renowned ease to access. In response to the growing demands for high resolution LED video displays, in 2007, Daktronics already presented the HD-X product line. This range consists of the outdoor HD-12 and HD-16 models and the indoor model HD-4. All supply due to patented technologies more picture detail and higher contrast. The outdoor variants also have improved perspective. HD-X models are among the television channel NBC and the Football Club of the Pittsburgh Steelers in the usage. Each LED (light emitting diode) loses its brightness, just not with the same intensity over the years. This may cause older ads, that the image is no longer homogeneous.