The son who did not want that it was even so said that not wise person where he was the father and that it would not have to arrive soon. It then decided to enter a little stops for papo in day with the son. After some time was to the bathroom and when passing for the room that was of the couple it saw a computer that before did not have, was on, it it did not resist and almost it fell with what it saw. Filed under: Robert Kiyosaki. The open page was its profile in the Internet and who was visualizing was nothing more nothing less than its mysterious friend, by who was gotten passionate, that he was accurately its former-husband. So stuned it was that until the will to go to the bathroom she passed, came back toward room, caught its stock market, badly she was said farewell to the son and she left. The girl without nothing to understand still saw the mother esbarrando in the father and saying it: – Its babaca! I begin Jorge did not understand nothing to it, but to if remembering what it was making before going to search the bread it perceived what it had happened. Now it would be the end, it would have that to act, to look the former-woman and to try to reconquer it, if it is that would pardon it for plus this limped.

It for if not conforming with the separation and after to have seen it so pretty, decided to make a trick and created this false profile, but in elapsing of its colloquies he confirmed what already he felt, had lost the woman of its life for its machismo, comodismo and egoism, that did not leave it to enxergar how much it had made for it. Everything that it leaves of living to be to the side of it and of the son, and how much it except fool to look for outside of house what it was the time all there. As it has much time Jorge did not make for Mara, it if it arranged, if it perfumed, it bought a bottle of wine, chocolates and a jewel. It was until the house of it, when seeing it in the door it did not want nor to open, but it did not resist and it finished receiving to it. When if they had looked in the eyes if they had moved, Jorge she asked for pardon to it of knees, she said for it everything that had perceived since the day where it leaves house and that when created the false profile it was only to bisbilhotar the life of it, but the more it talked sorrier was and little courage it had of if moving away, therefore of this way it comes back ' ' confiar' ' in it and if she disclosed as it did not see has much time. Mara well that it tried to resist, but completely was gotten passionate by that man, who nor of far seemed its former-husband and as he did not have nothing to lose if he delivered. It had a wonderful night of love and knew the man again of its life. END