Sustainable Development
One was about a huge project to establish connection the nine cities through paisagstico, cultural, gastronmico and religious the tourism typical of the region. From the PRODESUS, was created an Advice of Sustainable Development of the Fourth Colony? CONDESUS, which joins the nine cities for promotion of the development of the region. The CONDESUS is composed for the mayors an executive director and a secretary. He is the advice who organizes the demands and action in favor of the development of the region, searching resources and making possible the concretion of the projects. The Fourth Colony is a producing food region, primary and processed products destined to the urban economies, as of Saint Maria? RS that is the next consuming polar region. Such fact justifies the investment in organization in form of net of the producers to create the conditions of access to this niche of market. The Net of the House that is a not formal association, also being able to be called a sectorial nucleus, does not possess proper headquarters, is a nucleus of producers that only work with food processing, as much of animal origin as vegetal, possessing 13 partners currently. For better understanding of the context of the Net of the House, the present work was divided at two moments. First with the accomplishment of a theoretical study of the productive reality the partner of the Fourth Colony, for a deepened agreement more of the phenomena that influence in the taking of decision of the involved actors; e, at as the moment, the field was become fullfilled experiences, thus to search to understand as if it organized the Net of the House, through visits to the enterprises constitute that it. In the field work, a exploratrio study was become fullfilled, through interviews with informer-keys (involved actors in the process of constitution of association of the Net of the House, that is, the responsible ones for the AFRs, agricultural producers, the institucional representatives (mayors and secretaries of agriculture, representatives of the CONDESUS, beyond the leaderships of the Net of the House), aiming at to constitute analytical base in dialogue with previous the theoretical effort.