Pro Oil
But, the expense with the importation of the oil caused the aumentoexorbitante of the Brazilian external debt. Brazil that with the easiness daimportao abandoned the idea of self-sufficiency in fuels, came back to append in the subject in years 70 with the world-wide crises of the oil, where esteproduto went up too much. From now on, still in the governments research militaresiniciaram route the self-sufficiency in fuels of Brazil. Already in 1984 the internal production seigualou the importation. Still in the decade of 80 the government invests heavy noPr-Alcohol, program created in 1975 aiming at to increase the natentativa production of alcohol to substitute the imported oil and until then very expensive. However, before the end of this decade Pro-Alcohol it was shipwrecked, therefore the oil came back to lower in the market placing in check the doshidrocarbonetos programs of substitution.
From the end of the decade of 80 with the dorelatrio presentation Brundtland and beginning of decade 90 with Echo, the world started to aolhar the environment with looking at worried. The idea to leave a world for future asgeraes made some people to rethink its attitudes. The comprovaocientifica of that the global heating is fact, came to strengthen essasmudanas of attitudes still more. However, meetings with these changes of attitudes, vieramtambm to the business-oriented chances, as the carbon credits and osagrocombustveis. A new world-wide race was initiated, of the combustveisrenovveis. The competitors are of eye in a promising market, without sepreocuparem with the impacts caused for the production and use of the new source derenda. On the other hand, the possibility of the end of the oil left omundo in alert, and consuming great countries of this resource, as the EstadosUnidos, already they are producing etanol proceeding from the maize on a large scale, and issoesta causing the increase in the prices of this essential food for aalimentao human being. The objective of present research is to argue the use of agrocombustveise its consequences by means of the alimentary and ambient crisis that can cause, as well as, to make a comparative degree between fsseis fuels, maisprecisamente of its derivatives, diesel and gasoline, and the agrocombustveis. Using for this of bibliographical research. Machete download of the complete article to continue reading.