Plblico Space
In Aracaju we can detach around 5 (five) espritas centers that if detach in sales and faithful frequency, which we can detach nominally Heifer of Meneses. However, it is well easy in the central commercial center of Aracaju to find a series of espritas mini-bookstores that vendem its its books, but also work as a pharmacy species spiritual, where they offer fitoterpicos remedies, however these remedies are not directed by a conventional doctor, but yes for mdiuns that they psicografam its prescription. The books of the bookstore also turn around Chico authors Xavier and of the founder of the espiritismo Alan Kardec, however we can see other writers, as for example, Zibia Gaspareto. 2.4.Outras Religious Denominations When dealing with the other found religious denominations in the city of Aracaju, we detach the Espiritas not Kardecistas, Ubandistas, Esoteric, etc. The evidences biggest of these denominations are possible of if finding in the Sectorial Market of Aracaju, on people to these denominations vendem there, grass tutrixes, adobe animals, objects, images, liquids, etc.
At the same time where these materials they are vendidos, the ways as if they must use are said them and taught for the salesmen, who nor always are adoradores of the denomination, therefore is common to find people who vendem these materials and they do not possess no linking with the religion. Beyond the Sectorial market of Aracaju, we have a store of exotricos products in the Shopping Riomar, where this store persists more than the 15 there (years). Valley to stand out an interesting fact, with regard to this store of exotricos products, therefore some evanglicas store and catholics had tried to install themselves in the Shopping, but they had not obtained to avenge, ratifying the theory of that the people same without being adepts of the denomination only use its utensils as modismos and vanity. 3.Concluso When making this research of data on the store you deal of religious goods of Aracaju, we can arrive at the conclusion of the intense search to extend the roll of purchasers in these segments are they of the doctrine or not, a time that, as it was said during discoursing of the article, is not difficult to find a gamma of materials with intention to attract the attention of this clientele, where with secularizao, the initial characteristics of objects and religious goods, take a new source, what Patrician Birman flame of bricolagem of materials. Bibliographical references? FIELDS, Leonildo. Theater, Temple and Market: organization and marketing of a neopetencostal enterprise.