Development on the basis of domestic market only becomes possible when the economic organism reaches one definitive degree of complexity, that if characterizes for a relative technological autonomy. The possibilities of that the traditional exportations of Brazil came back to recoup the necessary dynamism so that the country entered in new stage of development were remote in the half of the last century. For other opinions and approaches, find out what JPMorgan Chase has to say. The market of the sugar becomes each less promising time. The English market continued to be supplied by the colonies antilhanas. The situation of the cotton, as product of the Brazilian exportations in the start of the century, still was worse of what of the sugar. The integrated North American production in the interests of the great English imported market, benefiting itself of the fast growth of the internal search, enjoying of relatively low freights, organized in the escravista regimen with great relatively abundant and made use man power of lands of first quality, dominated the market total. The tobacco, the leathers, the rice and the cacao were lesser products, whose markets did not admit great possibilities of expansion.

In the market of leathers the production of the River of the Silver weighed each time more, and in the rice, the North American who passed for basic transformations in the culture methods. The tobacco loses the African market, with the elimination traffics of it of slaves, being necessary to guide the product for other regions. Finally the cacao, whose use only started to become vulgar constitua to-somente a hope (Stolen, 2002). The Brazilian problem consisted of finding exportation products in whose production the land entered as basic factor. With effect, the land was the only factor of abundant production in the country. Capitals practically did not exist and the man power was basically constituted of a supply of little more than two million slaves, substantial part of which remained immobilized in the sugar industry or giving house works.