Multinvel Marketing
The industry of the Multinvel Marketing In the original plan of the Direct Sales, the companies enlisted a series of independent peddlers and they remunerated to them through commissions on its individual sales. Known as single-level (join-level), this model demasiadamente limited the performance of many peddlers to a unsafe and dependent work of the individual ability of sales. Perceiving these limitations, a called American Carl Rhenborg decided to create a system of different bonification, where the peddler would start to gain an additional income on all the sales effected by the peddlers who brought for the company. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Hyundai on most websites. This happened in the decade of forty, giving origin to as a model of remuneration in Direct Sales much more powerful: multi-level (multi-level). The MultiLevel Marketing (MLM) or Marketing Multinvel (MMN) passed since then for some evolutions, with perfectionings in the professional systems and companies bringing new concepts to the market. The Marketing Multinvel or Marketing de Rede (Network Marketing) it grew mainly from the beginning of years 90 because it presents simple solutions for the companies whom they look to offer to innovation, quality and prices in the products, excellency in the operational services and attendance personalized to the customers, the same that it offers to the people a chance to improve the style of life of them with solutions that perfectly are fit inside of this new paradigm of globalizado world and individual companies. Today, with a small personal archive, a telephonic line and a on micron to the Internet, are possible to construct and to manage a business of dollar millions.
From this system, the peddlers had passed to be called deliverers and had started to glimpse an income many times bigger of what he would be possible to get in the traditional door-the-door, and many of these deliverers had started to have revenues higher than many Doctors, Lawyers and Engineers and some of these had also obtained richnesses acquiring so dreamed financial independence. Currently the marketing multilevel is an industry that puts into motion approx 114 billion dollar to the year and more than possesss 65 million involved people around of the world, growing to a tax of 9% to the year. (source: WFDSA – World-wide federacy of the Associations of Direct Sales). In Brazil the tax of growth of the direct sales is bigger still being around 14% and putting into motion R$ 18,5 billion in 2009. The acceptance of this strategy of direct sales is each bigger time. Traditional companies as the Citi Bank, Sara Lee, Gillete, Colgate Palmolive, Avon, Time Warner, UNIBANCO, Readers Digest, Virgin Companies, AOL and hundreds of other companies, are using this system to alavancar the sales of products and services. For the specialists in sales, the marketing multilevel is a system that allows to take products of the industry for the consumer without passing for the traditional retail. For that in it they work, the marketing multilevel is above all a chance to gain money, suplemental the familiar income and to carry through personal dreams. Therefore, net marketing attracts people ambitious, endowed with proper initiative and made use to work long hours to reach its objectives.