The props must be prepared previously, through cleanness and removal of the concrete me the quality that, normally, if finds above of the quota of arrasamento of the molded props ' ' in loco' '. POSSIBLE DISPOSAL OF PROPS WITH COROAMENTO BLOCKS: DEEP FOUNDATIONS MOLDED ' ' IN LOCO' ' Are many the possibilities when are said in deep foundations? that one whose length of the prop predominates on its transversal section, or the support layer is to 2 a bigger depth that m. In the case of the molded props in I lease, the available technologies go since simple prop-drills until the modern props Omega and the monitored continuous helix. What it differentiates great part of the methods of foundations is the executive proceeding. PROPS TYPE DRILL DEFINITION: Props executed without mold for perforation in the land, with aid of small-diameter trado. EXECUTIVE METHOD: Dimensionamento and location: The determination of the transversal section, the length (to be reached depth) as well as the steel sections that will be dimensionados by the calculating engineer and will consist of the foundation project.

Its sizing will be executed in accordance with the NBR? 6118/80? ' ' PROJECT AND EXECUTION OF WORKMANSHIPS OF CONCRETE ARMADO' ' (NB-1/78) and NBR? 6122/96? ' ' PROJECT AND EXECUTION OF FUNDAES' '. Perfurao: First, the location will be made, on the land, of the points of execution of the props. Through wooden answer sheet the axles of the props will be marked. In the crossings of these axles they will be the location points. The perforation will be executed assists with it of manual or mechanical trado, without the covering use. The hollowing will have to continue until the depth foreseen in the project. Had to the execution conditions, these props alone could be used below of the water level if the puncture could be depleted before the concretagem.