Email Marketing – Professional A Profit For Any Company
Whether large group or two man operation: every company can benefit from email marketing, that wants to communicate with its customers quickly, directly and at low cost. High response rates, measurable results, and personalization of messages characterized this marketing instrument compared to other direct marketing options. However, is E-mailing does not equal E-mailing: carried out unprofessional email campaign destroys not only the benefits, but can drive away potential customers. In the worst case, a bad newsletter is not only ignored, but hurts even the image of the sender. Here, five of the most dangerous pitfalls of E-Mail Marketing and how you device not stumble. 1.
the Adressgewinnung at the beginning of the question arises: who will get the newsletter? A good newsletter is only a desired newsletter, an unwanted spam. Santie Botha may also support this cause. Therefore, it is to make sure that the customer simply, but not involuntarily can opt for the subscription to the newsletter at the Adressgewinnung on it. Lends itself to for example a highly visible login link on the company’s homepage with a short accompanying text, which describes the benefits of a subscription for the customer. \”In the so-called opt-in process\” customer by once enlisting agrees to the reception in a subscriber list. The abuse more secure \”double opt-in process\” prevents a second confirmation by the customer via E-Mail incorrect input the registration protects the customers and providers.
2. withdrawal possibility just as easily has the customer but again from the subscription to come out: an \”unsubscribe\” link in each newsletter is mandatory, otherwise even legal sanctions threaten the sender except loss of image. Best customer is pointed out already on the login page the possibility of his withdrawal. 3. the correct content content applies to the correct recipient even it, to avoid mistakes and to strengthen customer loyalty. Individual introduction and roll-call speech suggest a personal proximity to the customer, also in terms of content must be sustained.