Currently, we live social and productive transformations that the service of the man places considered resources and possibilities until then utopian. The world is each time more dynamic e, in this context, to rethink concepts if becomes inevitable and necessary in relation our choices and position while educators. The pertaining to school environment is not other people’s to the changes, in contrast, is impossible to think the education about the molds of old, where the professor was the figure of authority as detainer of the knowledge and the act to teach transferred age to the students as if it was a deposit. Thus, the school cannot be atrelada to a pupil model, of time and of learning, so little the professors must be connected the conceptions ' ' engessadas' ' of education, incapable to excite expressive experiences e, still, to establish a bridge between the formal knowledge that desires to transmit and the practical knowledge the child makes use. Mello (1998) warns that ' ' to be professor' ' it means to be in continuous formation, implies to choose a form to lead the lesson and to know to deal with the pupils and knowing them to teach, making the mediation between the tacit knowledge (that one to know that the pupil already possesss in spontaneous and experimental way) and the pertaining to school knowledge (it is about knowing that it involves the fixed references and the formal representations). Bank. In a similar way, so that the learning if accomplishes is necessary that all the pupils perceive the relation between what it learns and the world where lives, that is, the knowledge have that to be significant. It fits to the professor to create the possibilities for its production or its construction, in way that educating participates actively of the education process and if it develops.
Valley to stand out that throughout this way the students can commit errors, that must be evaluated under the perspective of a constructive form of knowing and a source of growth. We cannot lose the chance to use to advantage the errors as a possibility of initial work, that will say the lines of direction for future interventions next to the common children and special and will serve of instrument to guide the actions and objectives to be reached. One is about a starting point for the advance in direction to the learning of the pupil, who will disclose to the nature of its logical representations and the elaboration of its strategies. Abraho (2000) indicates that: ' ' as the knowledge is always in process, the necessary evaluation to be continuous, daily in the direction to allow (reverse speed) to the permanent construction of concepts, being a species of mapping that goes identifying to the conquests and the problems of the pupils in its development. (P. 47). ' ' After all, in practical educative with all the children it is not enough to designate the error, is necessary to identify its causes.
But in this way the educator will be able to adjust the process of education and learning to the necessities of the pupils. Bibliographical references: ABRAHO, Maria Helena Menna Barreto (Org). Evaluation Liberating Constructive error: theory-practical one includenteem education. PortoAlegre: EDIPURS, 2000. MELLO, R.R of. To become it the being professor: the contributions of literature. In: MELLO, R.R. To know professors to them and the daily formation in the initial series of basic education: a study of case multiple of etnogrfico type, 1998, Thesis (Doutorado in Education), Center of Education and Sciences Human beings, UFSCar, They are Carlos.