Background and placement of the work
The “ethics to Nicomaco” of Aristoteles is the first systematic on ethics. Platon had written the Protagoras, a dialogue about the virtue, and several of his other works include the happiness and ethics too, but none systematically. Other contemporary philosophers Aristotle mentioned in this book, such as Espeusipo and Eudoxia, who Aristoteles takes its definition of good.
As Socrates and Plato, Aristotle argues that virtue is the foundation of happiness and ethics is the look. Unlike Socrates and Plato, Aristotle taught that virtue does not come directly from the knowledge, but requires the habit, that happiness is not a state but an activity, and that pleasure is not happiness but a consequence of virtue, and especially that man has a view on whether it is not totally absorbed by the end of the state. Here is the key to reading the ethics of Aristotle: the purpose of the act human. Every act has a purpose, that is happiness, but you can search for this purpose in various things. Aristoteles shows that the end has to be specific man, and this is the contemplation, which helps the virtue of necessity, because the searches under the media that gives you the right reason of the individual. The contemplation is the act more self-sufficient and stable for the full happiness requires too pleased. One thing that comes into play and that is not resolved directly in the whole of Chapter 7 of the book X is immortality, which Aristoteles alluded several times elsewhere, too.
The method of Aristoteles also differs from that of Platon therefore clearly defined from the beginning you need to do, suggests arguments to the contrary, it shows some problems and then solves. It is important to remember that the works of Aristoteles books were not Zohar intended for publication but rather manuals or memos to the teaching.
Among the works of Aristotle, the ethics of Nicomaco is the latest. As Platon, had written in his youth many dialogues and all have been lost. Certainly comes after the treaties of logic, as mentioned in the Analytical VI, 3. founded and leads the s teaching topics and lectures It also shows the soul On a less precise thinking of the soul that this works, so it is believed that he had been prepared beforehand. Politics comes later, then X, 9 were prepared directly, based VIII-IX, which deal with friendship. There is another book on the ethics spurious, the Magna Moralia and a work similar but probably prior to the ethics Eudema.
After George Bush unpopular presidency and John McCain’s decisive defeat, there is an ongoing struggle for the soul of the Republican Party. Conservative leaders weigh in on how to revitalize the GOP. - NPR
After George Bush unpopular presidency and John McCain’s decisive defeat, there is a battle going on for the soul of the Republican Party. Conservative leaders weigh in on how to revitalize the GOP. - The Gainesville Sunday [NA] Like the old guard that for them, this new guard has a love for the city and each in their own way to Gainesville to make a better place to live .
After George Bush unpopular presidency and John McCain’s decisive defeat, there is a battle going on for the soul of the Republican Party. Conservative leaders weigh in on how the GOP.
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