The human eye is an amazing thing. Both of them work together, and visible things are in the spotlight. The brain uses the fact that each eye sees the world from a different point of view to create necessary depth perception. It is this principle that underlies the modern 3D. Spend a little experiment. Close OBIN eye hand for 3 minutes, you still feel the depth perception? – It is memory.

In the new environment for themselves, not able to distinguish the object distance, confidently take a cup of tea, or to cross a puddle … Get all the facts and insights with Robert Kiyosaki, another great source of information. But even this experiment conducted at home, you'll feel the uncertainty in the actions. upport-growth-and-continued-innovation-300470991.html’>financial technology supports this article. What are my 'cheating' the human brain? (There are many different ways to obtain the effect of 3D. We will consider most important.) Anaglyph 3D You probably remember that the passages 3D movies were before, long before the beginning of the 21st century. At such sessions were given Points of interest – with blue and red glasses. But on screen the two images are displayed simultaneously, one in red, the other in blue.

Glass filter made so that each eye saw only one of them. The brain fills in gaps and creates a 3D image. This method of sacrificing image quality because it uses color separation. But a color display can be used to create 3D effects in this way. It's cheap and sama common method for 3D. These glasses can be purchased zdes.Polyarizovannoe 3D This is a technology that has become all the rage. This kind of 3D by using active and passive ochkov.Passivnye polarized 3D-glasses In these glasses lens used reverse polarization, one clockwise and the other counterclockwise. The film is also manufactured using an alternate polarization, so that each frame is only visible to one eye. Frames are changing so quickly the brain converts them into 3D-image. This method provides a very cheap glasses, but require a special screen. The screen should be able to maintain the polarization of light. For the home viewing on flat panels is not a problem. The problem will be using 3D projectors. These glasses can be purchased zdes.Aktivnye polarized 3D-glasses in this case, glasses do the job. They work like blinds, opening and closing the variable lens in synchronization with the refresh rate. Of course, this requires a refresh at least twice faster than normal (120 Hz) so that each eye receives its portion of the video (60 frames per second). Glass in the form of obtaining 3D are based on LCD technology and open and close when voltage is applied, as well as the pixels on an LCD TV. These points require a power supply (batteries) and should work in full synchronization with the display. Therefore, they are quite expensive. In addition, they are not compatible with TVs from other manufacturers.